Discord Live Notifications

By: WaldoAndFriends

Discord Live Notifications

No more boring going live notifications in Discord with just a short message and a link, but a beautiful rich going live notification instead!

Let your Discord community know you’re live!


  • Contains your current category including the cover image
  • Triggered by chat command
  • or automatically when you go live


Installation Instructions

Below you’ll find the instalation instructions for the different bots that are supported by this product.

Please, make sure you have all the prerequisites installed before performing the product installation itself. Be sure to have OBS closed when installing these plugins. If you need help installing any of these google: “Andilippi plugin name” there will be a video to help you.

  1. Extract the StreamUP - Discord Live Notification to a folder of your choosing.
  2. In Streamer.Bot on the ‘Actions’ tab. Right click on the left side and press ‘Import’. Copy the text file into the ‘Import String’ section at the top.
  3. Now select the newly created StreamUP Tools - Rich Live Notification action and open the two folders in the sub action that ask you to enter some information and edit the ‘Value’ in the ‘Set argument’ sub-actions accordingly.
    • More information about Discord Webhooks.
    • You’ll need to enable developer mode in order to copy the role id.
  4. You will need to add the following references that reside in: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.x.x. Where x.x are numbers, newer versions of Streamer.bot should have an improved system of automatically finding the correct references.
    • mscorlib.dll
    • System.dll
    • System.Net.Http.dll
  5. Set up a trigger that will send the Discord notification

Companion video

DISCLAIMER - By downloading this product you agree to not redistribute AND/OR sell it for any profit whatsoever. Feel free to completely edit this product and change it for your needs. We do not offer support on any modifications.

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