Currency System - Example Redeem

By: TerrierDarts

Let’s your users spend their points on cool effects!

With this example you will be able to create redeems that cost points that are handled by the StreamUP Currency System.

Copy the code shown below and paste into Streamer.Bot ( Actions > right-click > import ) and update the Sub-Actions accordingly.

The Example Action is called Currency System • Sample Redeem this is what you will need to create duplicates of each time you want to create a new redeemable.

As the comments explain 500 in this case is the cost which is set in 2 places, the set argument %redeemCost% and in the Decrement user specific sub-action. The action you want to do when the user can afford needs to be put below the green coloured comment of Now you can add the Rest of your Action Below

The comments are added to guide you, I would recommend keeping them in case you need them as a reference some time in the future.

Now set everything up all you need to do is add you trigger and you will be away!!

There is also a User Cannot Afford action, if you do not want this you can remove it from the If statement in the redeem action. It can also be edited to fit your requirements.

The action import for


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Last updated: 10/18/2024 09:02:10 (UTC)