Shoutout with Pronoun Support

By: TerrierDarts

Do you want a more inclusive shoutout?

With this code you will be able to shoutout people and the output will differ based on the pronouns,

The Message will output like so,

As you can see it can post a he/him , she/her or a they/them version.

If users pronouns can not be found it will default to they/them.

If you want to edit the output message you can do so in the send message sub-action, use the table below to help with the Arguments.

Argument Value Expected
shoutoutUser This is the name of the user we are shouting out.
shoutoutSubjective Subjective Term - He, She or They
shoutoutTense Tense Term - was or were
shoutoutGame This is the game the user is currently playing
shoutoutObjective Objective Term - Him, Her or Them
shoutoutChannel This will be the twitch URL for the user.

The action import for


If you want help adding support for other pronouns, please reach out to TerrierDarts in the StreamUP Discord and he will help you out. Please Note, Modifications are not usually supported - but if you want help with this product TerrierDarts will help best he can.

By downloading this product you agree to not redistribute AND/OR sell it for any profit whatsoever. Feel free to completely edit this product and change it for your needs. We do not offer support on any modifications.

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Last updated: 10/18/2024 09:02:10 (UTC)